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First Time Babysitting

Iris and Steve hadn't been able to go out anywhere together, just the two of them, since Baby Sena arrived. So one nice afternoon she decided she'd like to go out for a little walk to get some fresh air, without the kids.  

​Lisa had seemed able enough to handle the baby, and she had her friend Peach over to help, so it seemed like a good opportunity....
"I just put Sena down for her nap, so she should sleep for at least an hour or two...."
That's fine Mom.  I've looked after her many times before when you were busy."
"We won't be gone long...."
"We'll be fine Mom..."
"Just go...."

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/first-time-babysitting
Fecha: November 25, 2019 at 11:26AM

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