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A New Wig

I spent much of the the day stressing over a new wig for Lawrence. As much as I like his default wig, I found that his head looked so small on his super wide shoulders, and thought maybe longer hair would help fill him out some.   Plus I wanted something more suited to a medieval nobleman.  So I sewed fringes from the same mohair as his first wig....
After gluing it all on the wig cap, and doing some styling, I wrapped his wig to let it dry....
I spent some time fussing with the wig, and even though it looked good in real life, it didn't want to photograph all that well.
Then the wind caught him.....
I did like that windswept look....
Anyways, it will probably get fussed over a bit more, but at least both wigs are the same mohair, so he can have a choice - ragged barbarian, or more clean cut noble.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/a-new-wig
Fecha: November 24, 2019 at 05:08PM

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