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Figuring out Lawrence

It's coming up three years since I ordered FID Lawrence, and he's still proving elusive.  He got a new face, and then some minor enhancements, and I think this is as good as he's going to get.  He was one of the very first FID guys released, when the Muscle body was the only option. I bought him a tuxedo right up front, knowing I'd never want to make one. So he at least has that to wear....

​He was originally intended to be a 'couple' with Miho, and since she was out for a fairy photo shoot, I thought I'd try the two of them together again...
Lawrence was clearly sculpted after Johnathan Reese Myers, who starred as Henry VIII in the Tudors TV series. I totally dislike the actor, but love the Tudor and Elizabethan period costume-wise. So am considering that as a possibility. 

I don't have a lot of clothes that fit an FID. There's Owen's musketeer outfit, which fits Rex, but he's considerably slimmer. But I tried it on Lawrence anyways, just to see how he'd look. It didn't fit very well, so I added Rex's tartan cloak....
Although he wasn't a 'tuxedo' kind of guy, and needed the shirt open, this JID shirt is too low around the neck. He definitely needs a higher collar.  So I thought I'd try Rex's outfit on him....
I really liked him in Rex's outfit.  But then any guy would look good in that.  I was actually surprised that it fit as well as it did, since Rex has the Model body, which is a lot slimmer, and not as wide across the shoulders. The vest actually fits Lawrence better.
So now I need to decide what to do with him.  I even went to Michaels today to pick up some black leather for a Fantasy Warrior outfit for him. Something LOTR like Boromir.  But now I'm thinking  I should expand on the 'Outlander' period first.  Something fancy from the French court, and not from the TV series. Those costumes weren't realistic enough to the period.  Something new for Rex and Bianca, and maybe even Monica.

​But right now I shouldn't be sewing.  I did something to my right wrist back in July, and have been doing too much handwork the last while, and it's gotten a lot worse, so I am trying to give it a rest. Hopefully it will clear up on its own, because I know my doctor will just scold me for "doing too much crafts". She doesn't get it that I can't just stop.  But pain is no fun either.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/figuring-out-lawrence
Fecha: October 02, 2019 at 04:04PM

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