Today’s Friday Girl is Black Basics Barbie #8. I had not photographed her in a long time as she, along with many of my display shelf Barbie’s, has been packed in a crate for more than a year. I brought the crate in from the garage a couple of months ago when I was looking for different dolls to photograph. She has the Mbili face sculpt so as she is the first doll I bought with this sculpt that is her name. Mbili is wearing a Fashion Avenue outfit from the Trend City series of 1999 minus the shoes of course.
De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - https://dollsdollsdolls.net/2019/10/04/fashion-doll-friday-mattel-black-basics-8-2009/
Fecha: October 03, 2019 at 11:23PM
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