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Introducing Mini Layla

Two new dolls arrived today, and I wasn't expecting either one just yet. I had only received one of the two Averys I had ordered from DreamHigh Studio, and the second one arrived today.

And then there was Mini Layla.  When I came in second in the 'Christmas All Year' photo contest on Resin Cafe, Kaye Wiggs let me choose any one of her mini dolls as my prize!  I chose Sunkissed Mini Layla Elf.  She mailed her at the beginning of the week, but the tracking number never worked, so I wasn't expecting her so soon.

​What a beauty she is!!  So of course I had to take some introductory photos...
I already have two bigger Laylas, even a sun-kissed elf, but I love this smaller size even more....
All I can say, is that I've never been so happy to come in second at something before!!
Thank you Kaye!!

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/introducing-mini-layla
Fecha: September 19, 2019 at 06:59PM

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