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Happy Haute Couture - September

Hello friends! Here is another post from the Haute Couture Calendar from the master of Haute Couture, Robert Best!

If you want to read the previous months posts, you can catch them with the links below!


September - Belle of the Ball

I love black and white. In fact, I love black and white so much I designed one of the bathrooms in our house in a black/white/grey theme. And I have a lot of black and white clothing.  

Which is why I was so disappointed that I could not find a doll that fit with this picture! For ether of the dresses shown here! I looked and looked, I really did. 

If anyone can find a dress that goes with this picture please let me know!

Next post, October 1st!
De: The Barbie Blog - http://mybarbieblog.blogspot.com/2019/09/happy-haute-couture-september.html
Fecha: September 01, 2019 at 10:00AM

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