This piece on Jenjoy’s All Dolled Up Page is worth thinking about. I love being a collector and although I would never give it up I think her suggestions about ways to collect responsibly are worth considering. I have gone down this road myself because firstly I love vintage dolls and secondly I am finding fewer brand new ones that I like at my price point. I won’t buy them if I don’t love them.
I like to think I have saved a few Op Shop dolls from going in the bin by cleaning them up. At least they get one more “go round”, maybe more.
It would be nice if less plastic was used in packaging. I really liked the Mikelman habit of selling dolls in a cardboard box with the doll secured with a ribbon. I never like those plastic ties especially the ones in their heads that you have to snip without cutting hair.
Last week’s global Strike For Climate (and the continuing strikes this weekend) has got me thinking more about the impact of collecting on the environment. It’s something that crosses my mind often. I spend a lot of time trying to reduce waste and recycle and reuse things and I often feel the well, I suppose, hypocrisy, of my collections, when consumerism and commercialism are huge factors in global warming. Every time I walk the toy aisles lately, I feel a little sad and, I have to confess guilty, at the mountains of plastic on sale. So, I thought this week I’d look at some possible ideas for reducing the impact of collecting dolls on the planet.
1 Stop buying new dolls.
Yeah, I know it sounds a bit extreme and somewhat defeats the purpose of collecting, but it would solve a lot of problems. I’m not likely to do it…
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De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls -
Fecha: September 28, 2019 at 05:22AM
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