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I'm starting out September by having a BIG sale!  
All the outfits listed on the Doll Clothes for Sale page have been reduced by 30%.

​That includes Red or Black Celeste for Kaye Wiggs girls....
...ALL the Holiday Party dresses for Kaye Wiggs girls...
...the two Starry Night gowns for Iplehouse EID and SID....
...any left over sundress sets for Kaye Wiggs Tinies.....
....and I'm having a HUGE wig sale!  I went through all my wigs, and even discovered a whole box full from years ago when I was making cloth dolls for sale. I had just ordered new stock, but then I had to stop 'mass sewing', and they ended up in boxes ever since.
​There's almost 100 wigs, all priced to go. First come, first go.....
If there is anything you are interested in, please email me at - martha@marthaboers.com

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/big-sale
Fecha: September 02, 2019 at 11:17AM

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