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Fogo Island

Originally named Ile des Fougues by Portugese explorers in the 16th century, Fogo Island is Newfoundland's first Provincial Heritage District, with many historical sites.

Even though it was still raining, we went out to explore the island, and take pictures in the rain.
​ The canon at Fogo Head Battery served as the perfect setting for Rex....
There was also a canon aimed out to see at Tilting....
I wasn't sure if Rex was on patrol, since he wasn't exactly wearing a military uniform, or if he was a visiting merchant just looking out to see. But that could be determined later...
In the town of Fogo itself, there was a lovely old 'cottage' surrounded by stone walls, which looked to me to be straight out of some BBC historical drama....
A perfect setting for Bianca....
Without any kind of story in mind yet, I wasn't sure whose house it was. 
Probably not her's.  Maybe an elderly aunt, or grandmother?
And was she coming or going?
Only time will tell.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/fogo-island
Fecha: July 20, 2019 at 09:23AM

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