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I'm very busy working on an 'Outlander' inspired outfit for Rex, so taking interesting doll photos has  taken a back seat all week (and the two weeks before that as I made some for Bianca). has his socks, underwear, shirt, cravat, and a pair of pants. I found an 'Old Navy' brand shirt at Value Village that was just the right colour, and thickness for his pants and coat.

 I chose a gray twill for his vest, and painted that down this morning, so it could dry while I was away for my semi-annual appointment at the cancer clinic.

When we got home, it was time to design a coat to go over everything. It always helps to have an actual garment to use as a jumping off point, so tried on Steve's black Victorian morning coat....
It's the wrong style, but the most important parts fit him, so that helps. The new period coat needs a different neckline, much longer sleeves, and the pleats at the back on this coat, need to be moved to the sides. So I've drawn up the new patterns and am ready to start cutting it out.
But first a close-up...

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/rex9420010
Fecha: May 30, 2019 at 05:44PM

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