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Fashion Doll Friday: Brunette Hip 2 Be Square Barbie 2000

I am sorry that today’s post is late.  I started much too late in the day and I seemed to have a bunch of things go wrong. Now it is almost winter the light goes quite early. As if that was not bad enough I discovered that one of my small lamps had blown a bulb and I could not remove the old one so rather than wait any longer I decided to use just the one. Then I discovered that one of my models had lost a shoe. How she managed that when she hasn’t been anywhere I can’t imagine. I see me turning the doll room upside down trying to find it over the weekend.

However, the show must go on as they say so please meet this week’s Friday girl. She is Hip 2 B Square Brunette Barbie. This is another doll that was not sold in Australia, at least I could not find her in Adelaide and eventually got one through some kind friends in the USA. This was before postage became so ridiculously expensive.  I won’t pay thirty or forty dollars to have a doll sent here and I don’t expect people to send me stuff for the same reason. Twenty years ago you could get a doll sent to Australia for about $US10 at least from some parts of the country.

I don’t think I have the original dress anymore, I am fairly sure that I put it on one of the dolls I rehomed as it was never a favourite. I have an idea that I may have a boxed one packed away somewhere, one of the few dolls I have kept boxed. Her outfit is part of a Fashion Avenue set of reversible fashions, Quick Change Outfit 56950 from 2002.

De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - https://dollsdollsdolls.net/2019/05/31/fashion-doll-friday-brunette-hip-2-be-square-barbie-2000/
Fecha: May 31, 2019 at 03:17AM

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