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Feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. I had three new dolls arrive in January - Phairby, Vakhmurddarr, and David, my Kid Daisy boy - all blank, without faceups.

I made an outfit for Phairby that I'm not entirely happy with, and really would like to start another.

I put some eyes in David, and put a wig and some clothes on him just for a picture. He came with 12mm eyes, but they totally filled his small eye holes, and even 10mm was still too big in my opinion, so I ended up giving him 8mm eyes. I love his smile.
I've started knitting him a sweater set and it will be lighter colours with a cream edging...
With the lighter sweater and hat, I think he'll need darker hair. I'm thinking curly auburn mohair wig, with freckles. Which means making some more hard wig caps.  Yay!!   Not!!!

I'm loving the new KID elbows. David is my first KID since Iplehouse has changed them.  I always hated the old elbows, and the way the double joint piece stuck way out to make the arms bend. And they weren't very secure either, and kept popping out of place.  Which was a total pain, especially with long sleeves. I know jointed bjd elbows are never  going to be 'attractive', due to the fact the doll's arms are solid resin, but some elbows are definitely better than others. Here's a comparison picture of Peach's elbow with David's.....and his stay in place!
I've been frustrated all week because I've been wanting to start posting Slopers, but haven't able to get my scanner to work. I'd not used it since I got the new computer in November, and it refused to work. Thankfully my IT son, who has remote access to my computer, has been looking at it this week, and installed some new software and I finally got my scanner working this morning. So now I can start scanning! Whenever I actually get around to it...

Jan has come down with a bug, and had to cancel some dental surgery today. But I get to go instead, because one of my molars broke last night. Dental expenses here we come!! And with Jan being sick, we won't be going to any of the birthday parties this weekend, including our grandson's. I just hope my flu shot protects me, or at least makes it (and his) less severe. I'm not looking forward to weeks of being sick.

And all this while I'm trying to shoot a birthday party today. I'm so distracted that I've had to re-shoot every scene twice - or more - due to having forgotten to include something in the details. Good thing I have lots of little white candles!!

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/stuff
Fecha: February 08, 2019 at 12:32PM

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