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Becky Friend of Barbie


Becky (friend of Barbie) School Photographer


This is Becky the “I’m the school photographer” doll made as one of Barbie’s friends. Becky comes with her wheelchair, camera, sunnies and a book. There is also a hair brush for keeping her hair tidy. Back in the nineties most of the dolls had one of these plastic hair brushes. She also has a bag on the back of her wheelchair to keep her things in. As you can see from the graphics on the box she came out not long after Cool Blue Barbie. Barbie and her friends each had corduroy overalls in different colours. Here on Becky’s box you can see Barbie in her blue ones. Becky comes wearing her own outfit, jeans, sneakers, T shirt with a checked shirt over the top. The Barbies came out in 1997 while Becky joined them in 1998. This Becky was made in China. There is an earlier Becky called Becky Share a Smile but she is not  quite as pretty as this edition. The earlier one bares some resemblance to Midge in my opinion who was always rather a plain looking doll. This is only my opinion and it’s all a matter of taste. So if you are into Midge that’s great. I actually do have a vintage Midge in my collection. I am getting off track again here so getting back to Becky there was also a Becky from 1999. She was a paralympic champion doll. These are the only Beckys I know of. I’m not sure if they continued to make her after the 1999 paralympic doll. 

De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - https://dollsdollsdolls.net/2019/02/10/becky-friend-of-barbie/
Fecha: February 09, 2019 at 11:50PM

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