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Gnome Family Christmas

My sister, Marianne, has a collection of tiny soft-sculpture Gnomes made by her friend Deborah Downey, and she had been posting old photos that she'd taken of them years ago. I invited her to come over and take photos of them in my 'Christmas setting', but she was too busy, so I volunteered to do it for her.

​As a bit of background, there is Mama and Papa Gnome and their three babies. Then there's Oma, who is Mama's Mother, and Opa, who is Papa's Dad.

I started taking photos of them, and she put them together into a story...
'Papa has loaded up the family and heads off to Oma's house'
"We need to pick up Opa on our way"
Anxiously waiting at the gate to be picked up.
Arriving at Oma's just in time for some dinner.
Oma: "Come in, come in!"  
Mama: "Everything looks wonderful, Mother, thanks for inviting us"
Pieter the Pig has found a spot at the head of the table and is anxiously waiting to begin.
Opa: "Hey that's my seat"
Mama: "Pieter is part of the famly and he usually joins us at the table and sits where he likes. Perhaps you could sit beside Papa."
Everyone is settled in and enjoying the feast.
"Anyone for some fruit tart? I make it the best."
"After dinner why don't we all go out for a walk in the snow. It's so pretty outside."
(to be continued)

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/gnome-family-christmas
Fecha: January 12, 2019 at 08:14AM

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