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Back to the Gnomes....

After dinner, everyone bundles up and heads outside for a walk in the snow.
Mama: "It's so lovely out here with the snow softly falling."
Oma: "Looks like your little ones are falling asleep. Better take Mina and Anika in and put them to bed. I'll bring Hendrik."
Oma:"There...... all tucked in. Better go see what those two men are up to and find them something useful to do."
The fellas continue to enjoy their walk.
Opa: "How do you think she gets such a variety of mushrooms...."
Papa: "Did you hear that? Someone's calling"
Opa : "Sounds like work for us, Son"

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/back-to-the-gnomes
Fecha: January 13, 2019 at 12:41PM

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