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Touching Up an Owl

I found the brown owl with outstretched wings in a bag of plastic animals at Value Village a few weeks ago. He was very much loved and a lot of his paint had worn off, and someone had tried repainting his beak. I had intended to touch him up BEFORE I took the 'Once Upon a Time' photos, but ended up using him before I got around to it.....
The owl had red and green eyes, which just didn't look right to me, and his beak was wrong too.
So I repainted his face with the yellow eyes owls usually have. I also added some markings to the feathers on the undersides of his wings....and repainted his talons...
I also touched up some more eraser foods I picked up at Dollarama.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/touching-up-an-owl
Fecha: July 20, 2018 at 09:23AM

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