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the Rescue

The 9th challenge of the photo contest was to depict 'a rescue or happily ever after'. My first thought was to have a Prince on his horse, having just rescued a fair maiden.

I chose Prince Adrian. He's a Limhwa Mono and doesn't get out much. His girlfriend is Kassia, but with her huge white dress there wasn't much chance I'd be able to fit her on a horse with him. Plus, she's the type of personality that wouldn't need rescuing in the first place. So, who else to choose?

​My Limhwa Lily was wearing a nice, slim, Fantasy dress, and she poses well, so she became the candidate needing rescue. I practiced posing the two of them on their horse at home, then packed them in the car and we headed down to the trail through the woods down by the lake....
It was really hot, and I was having camera issues, as well as being eaten alive by the bugs.
​But I was very happy with the few shots that I took...

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/the-rescue
Fecha: July 11, 2018 at 07:17AM

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