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Prom Avery!!

Hi everyone!! Sean here and I wanted to share my project using one of The Paper Nest Dolls new release! I got to work with the SUPER CUTE Prom Avery image by Christine! I did a slightly different take on a “Magic Slider Card” but I used two different images. I didn’t go to Prom when I was in High School so I wanted to use her a little differently. 

The first image is Paper Nest Dolls Maid Ella

When you pull the tab up it slides open to reveal a new scene using Prom Avery!

Here’s the inside.

Hope you Enjoyed!!!

De: The Paper Nest - http://thepapernestdolls.blogspot.com/2018/05/prom-avery.html
Fecha: May 27, 2018 at 04:00AM

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