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Here Comes the Bride

In celebration of the royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, we present to you a selection of....wedding gowns. We're here in Europe where no details of Ms. Markles gowns have leaked out. So together with my girls, we imagined styles for her very special day. The news media is assuming she will be "glamorous" in a dress cut close to the body, given her career as a film star and her age (36 years). They are also guessing she will be dressed in a more modern style as opposed to a big gown like that of Kate Middleton's. And while that is altogether possible--and we did take that into account--we also know that many Americans girls dream of being a princess for a day. So the idea behind the first dress was to cover her up regally, in beautiful lace and a long trail of tulle! After that, well.....we just had fun.

Without further ado, here are our brides. No words, just pictures!!!

Our sincerest congratulations to Prince Harry and Ms. Markle--Prince and Princess of Windsor and Duke and Duchess of Sussex. May you have a long and loving life together.

All photos and text property of Fashion Doll Stylist. 2018. Please credit me and ask me first before reposting!!! Thank you.

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De: Fashion Doll Stylist - https://fashiondollstylist.blogspot.com/2018/05/here-comes-bride.html
Fecha: May 19, 2018 at 05:03AM

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