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Another Look for Effie

Some dolls, like Effie, take a little while to figure out their 'look'.  I decided I couldn't picture her in someone else's old outfit, so put her in her own party dress that was intended for her. I had a problem with her shiny tongue with the pink spot in the middle, so tried to add a bit more colour. What a pain!!  I must have spent two hours adding colour, only to remove it again. Now I know why I don't do face-ups!! I do like her better now, and I'm liking that her tongue doesn't shine, or stand out, but I'm not going to seal or varnish what I did. 

I also tried on another wig - Monique Zoey - which I like best of all. Only problem is that it's WAY too long at the back, and I'm hesitant to cut it just in case it's not the wig she ends up with. But then, cutting a  wig I already have is far more economical than buying a brand new one.
I like the yellow dress on her, and now she makes me think of a little girl all dressed up to sing at her school concert....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/another-look-for-effie
Fecha: March 22, 2018 at 03:44PM

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