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Lego Election

Ringo was unhappy with the figure that came in the set with the US Capitol building....
"We aren't Americans, so we don't have to have this guy as President in our Legoland.."
"Well, how about this guy then?" asked Efreet, offering his favourite Magician figure....
"We can vote on it..."
Two candidates for President....
"Okay, everyone who wants the angry guy with the yellow hair, raise your hands...."
"Now everyone who votes for Efreet's Magician, raise your hands..."
"Looks like we have a new President.."
"I like this one much better."

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/lego-election
Fecha: January 19, 2018 at 11:00AM

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