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Ornament Hat Adjustment

Caleb Craig in over-sized ornament hat from Target

Clearly the ornament hat from Target is too large for Caleb Craig and other Ken-size dolls. Determined for Caleb to wear it, I made a few minor adjustments to give it a better wearing appearance as illustrated next:

The ear muffs have been pulled up and held in place with two yellow-topped quilting pins.

The views from the side and back are shown above.  In addition to pinning the ear muffs up, some of the excess plaid fabric in the lower-back-mid section of the hat is now tucked inside the fur in that same area.

This is a closer look at the pinned up ear muffs. If you look closely you can see the yellow top of the pin on the left which is at the tip of the muff.  A remnant of the faux string that had served as the ornament hook still remains in the center of the hat.

The fit is still not perfect, but it looks much better than before.  

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De: Black Doll Collecting - http://blackdollcollecting.blogspot.com/2017/11/ornament-hat-adjustment.html
Fecha: November 23, 2017 at 08:58AM

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