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Feisty Pets becomes one of most searched items on eBay

Feisty Pets becomes one of most searched items on eBay

Feisty Pets have become one of the most searched toys on eBay, following news of a video posted to social media having gone viral last week.

Ranked as the number 21 highest bursting keyword on the site across all categories on eBay searches this month and the second most searched item in toys.

In the US, California, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania and Utah top the list of states to have seen the most sales over 24 hours.

“As a result of the video that went viral last week, we’re seeing that Feisty Pets are currently one of the most searched toys on eBay,” said Michael Mosser, GM of lifestyle, media and toys at eBay.

“Even though it’s early on in the shopping season, the rising popularity of this animated plush toy is beginning to peak; and eBay is the destination for these hard-to-find gifts.”

Meanwhile, the return of Tamagotchi has hit a note of nostalgia among consumers, having racked up over 22,000 searches on the online trading site to date, while searches for Fingerlings have grown to 41,000 over the past seven days.

In response to the trend, eBay has created a one-stop-shop for all the Fingerlings.

De: ToyNews Feed - http://www.toynews-online.biz/news/read/feisty-pets-becomes-one-of-most-searched-items-on-ebay/049409
Fecha: October 23, 2017 at 01:46AM

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