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Shopkins collection arrives at Build-a-Bear Workshop

Shopkins collection arrives at Build-a-Bear Workshop

Collectable toy phenomenon Shopkins is heading to Build-a-Bear Workshop retail outlets this month for an exclusive collection of products.

Two Shopkins bears, outfits and accessories, and even an exclusive collectable Shopkins figure are heading to the unique retailer, marking the first time Shopkins-inspired products have been featured within the store.

Additionally, an exclusive 'Shopkins Party' event was held at stores this weekend for guests of all ages, featuring a Shopkins Scavenger Hunt activity.

The collection is available at U.S., U.K. and Canada Build-A-Bear Workshop stores and buildabear.com.

Build-a-bear has recently expanded its product range to include several other licensed lines including Star Wars, Sonic The Hedgehog and Pokemon.

De: ToyNews Feed - http://www.toynews-online.biz/news/read/shopkins-collection-arrives-at-build-a-bear-workshop/049109
Fecha: August 14, 2017 at 01:06AM

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