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LEGO teases biggest ever Star Wars set

LEGO teases biggest ever Star Wars set

After teasing details about its largest ever Star Wars set, LEGO has now released an image of some of the bricks fans can expect to see.

On Twitter, pieces to the mysterious Star Wars set were unveiled with the global toy giant revealing that it boasts around 7,541 pieces – it’s biggest ever set.

Previously, the firm debuted a LEGO set of the Taj Mahal that clocked up 5,922 pieces.

Fans have since been speculating what the set could actually be, with one Reddit user noting that previous teaser included the code letters UCS MF before LEGO removed the tag, which could likely stand for Ultimate Collectors Set Millennium Falcon.

De: ToyNews Feed - http://www.toynews-online.biz/news/read/lego-teases-biggest-ever-star-wars-set/049163
Fecha: August 23, 2017 at 10:01AM

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