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Hasbro partners with TripAdvisor to take The Game of Life on vacation

Hasbro partners with TripAdvisor to take The Game of Life on vacation

Hasbro has announced a new partnership with travel site TripAdvisor to add vacations to the iconic Game of Life board game.

For the first time in the board game’s 60-year history, players will be encouraged to “take a break” and choose their dream destination with vacation cards inspired by some of TripAdvisor’s top-ranked family destinations and activities.

“Graduating from college, getting married, buying a house, and having a family are all major life milestones, but we realized we were missing one important element – vacations!” said Jonathan Berkowitz, senior vice president of Hasbro Gaming. “Through our work with TripAdvisor, we’re introducing vacations and adventures into the iconic board game for the first time to encourage families to take a break, connect, and make lifelong travel memories together.” 

“As travel is such an essential part of life, it seemed only natural to team up with Hasbro to integrate some of the TripAdvisor community’s favorite travel destinations and activities within The Game of Life,” said Neela Pal, vice president of brand marketing at TripAdvisor.

The Game of Life game with the vacation updates will be available at most major retailers nationwide and on HasbroToyShop.com this August for the approximate retail price of $19.99. 

De: ToyNews Feed - http://www.toynews-online.biz/news/read/hasbro-partners-with-tripadvisor-to-take-the-game-of-life-on-vacation/049161
Fecha: August 23, 2017 at 09:50AM

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