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Gene Marshall Doll to Retire for the Third Time

It has been announced that the current Gene Marshall line, produced by Jamieshow, will be retired in 6 months at the 2018 Jamieshow Palm Springs Convention. The event is being called "A Fashion Retrospective & Farewell to Gene" and takes place February 16-18th at the Riviera Palm Springs Resort & Spa.


Here is the link to the announcement. Note: if the link goes nowhere, just copy it and paste it in your browser address window. Blogger is not working properly for me for some reason.


De: Collecting Fashion Dolls by Terri Gold - http://terrigoldphoto.blogspot.com/2017/08/gene-marshall-doll-to-retire-for-third.html
Fecha: August 23, 2017 at 09:36AM

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