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Game of Tones: Accentuate talk their 2017 successes

Game of Tones: Accentuate talk their 2017 successes

How has 2017 been for you guys so far, what growth have you seen in the past year?                                    

A number of our retailers underestimated Q4 2016 demand with catch-up shipments required early in 2017, subsequently shipments to our no.1 High St retailer are 71% up in H1 2017 vs H1 2016.

What does the future of the sector look like for you guys, what’s the next step of evolution for board games and how will you look to tap into this?   

The sector for adult / family - board / card games has rarely looked as healthy, we are truly encouraged by the data, analysis and reports which support a shift back to the more inclusive board and card games from the seclusion of the screen. Whilst the UK is certainly leading Europe in growth in this segment we believe our launches in Germany and France as well as the US will allow us to continue to ride the wave of growth in this sector for the years to come.

What will be the big hitters for you guys this year?

The continued growth of Accentuate in the UK will be complemented by the full launch of Accentuate in the USA and test marketing of Accentuate in Germany and France.

Where do you think the board game sector is headed in coming years - e.g. more movie/video/licensed board games? More tech such as AR etc.?

There just seems to be a growing reliance on the proven formula of licensing which whilst successful and low risk is overshadowing the creation and promotion of truly original new games.


De: ToyNews Feed - http://www.toynews-online.biz/interviews/read/game-of-tones-accentuate-talk-their-2017-successes/049151
Fecha: August 21, 2017 at 10:05AM

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