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One lovely morning, we took the kids and some boats to the pools near the lighthouse.
Paige saw the girls struggling with the sailboat.... 
....and thought she better go and help...
Aaron decided he was too big for either boat....
So just sat on the rocks and watched....
Nami and Ringo wanted to try the rowboat....
But they couldn't coordinate their paddling, so they didn't go anywhere....
...until out of frustration, the boat tipped a little, and they both went over the side head first. And I was too busy rescuing them to take pictures. Fortunately just their wigs got wet, but the water dripped onto their clothes and wet those too, and it certainly wasn't the cleanest water, so both dolls needed a good wash, and their wigs shampooed, and their clothes laundered.

Anyway, all's well that ends well. But seriously, what's a camping trip without going for a swim??

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/boating
Fecha: August 04, 2017 at 08:12PM

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