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I’ve waited 16 years for this floor, so excuse me if I seem excited!!!

When we bought our house in 2004, I put down cheap peel and stick tile in my sewing room. It served its purpose, but was tired and worn out and just plain ugly in spots! I have patched and repaired and tried to make it work for the last few years.

The floors in there are uneven and a bit “dippy” as my hubby calls them. He went to the basement and since it’s not finished down there, he could look up at the bottom of my floors. He said they set the 2×4’s too far apart and that makes my floor feel squishy when you walk on it. It sort of feels like it’s giving way when you walk on it. If we tried to put in click and lock as the floor is, it would break the edges off where the floor sags down. So a regular click and lock or hardwood flooring would only work if we put down a plywood subfloor. Not gonna happen!!

Searching for something to work on these strange floors of ours, led me to find this flooring from Happy Feet International. They are flexible vinyl planks about 1/4″ thick and just stay in place with gravity. It’s almost like putting together a puzzle on your floor. If you’d like to read more about it and how we did our “AWFUL” living room and kitchen floors, check out this post I did back in 2017. It gives all the details of how wonderful this flooring really is!

Perfect flooring for Imperfect floors

My dream came true on Saturday evening when I finished putting down my new Loose Lay, Luxury Vinyl Plank flooring. THANK YOU to a VERY special someone who provided the funds for this to happen!! I wish you could see it in person…I’d have you take off your shoes and scoot your bare feet across my new smooth floor! It is more wonderful than I ever imagined it could be.

My hubby was the “cutter”…the person who uses the big vintage shears he bought at an antique shop and cuts the 1/4” thick planks off where they go against the wall. I can actually cut them, but it takes me twice as long as it does him.

(These pictures are from when we did Rebecca’s room… a few months ago.)

So I did all the laying and marking where to cut the planks and for the most part, my hubby sat in his recliner with his legs propped up and did the cutting. We had a pretty good system going. :o)

I worked all day Friday and had to quit around 9:00 p.m….my “cutter” fell asleep!! :o)

Then I started back up again Saturday morning, went to a baby shower in the afternoon, and came home and worked again till around 9:00 p.m. and it was all finished…

…and glorious…

…and beautiful…

…and clean…

…and my heart beat just a little bit faster when I’d look at it…

…let’s see if yours does too…

Remember this is a drawing of what the floor plan looks like and how it looked a month ago…

…and then I decided to paint it Agreeable Gray instead of the gold Pecan color it had been for 15 years.

…and I tried to brighten things up…

Here are a few more shots (some panoramic) of what the room looks like “almost” empty… we left a few of the bigger pieces in there WHILE WE WAITED FOR THE FLOORING TO COME IN! (It took 31 days to get here!)

Here are a few panoramic shots of the room… a bit distorted, but you can see how that bookshelf sticks out in the middle of the room…

…and then… NEW FLOORS…

It’s kind of an optical illusion when you look across my living room floor and into my sewing room now. Since the planks are the same color, we decided we need to put a piece of trim to go on the edge of where my floor steps down into my room. It would be easy for someone to think it’s all one level floor and it’s not… there is about a 4″ step down into my room.

I started at the doorway and made sure my planks were parallel to the ones in the living room…

When I got to the edge of the bookshelf, it was this crooked… so I had to do some special cutting of the piece that went next to the wall…

But then I went around the corner and it looked nice! Back on track…

…around the bookshelf and onto the other side… the same thing on this side too… another special fitted piece…

After I passed the register in the floor, it was pretty smooth sailing back in that slanted corner… and onto the area in front of the door… (sorry for all of those who wanted me to paint the door… another time!) :o)

Somehow I missed an outlet but it will be behind a piece of furniture, so I’ll leave it for now… The trim is just laying there on the floor…I had to “decorate” and see how it was going to look…

I have some of my pieces moved back in there, but I can’t put them in place until I get my trim put down… I’m hoping to get that done tonight… but I’ll be doing that by myself too as my hubby can’t get down on his knees…

It looks wonderful in there and I hope to get my trim finished and things back in place very soon! You don’t know how BADLY!!!

I hope you enjoyed that quick run down of how things happened in my sewing room. My hubby is especially thankful that THIS is not like THIS anymore!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

De: I Dream of Jeanne Marie - https://idreamofjeannemarie.com/2020/06/23/ive-waited-16-years-for-this-floor-so-excuse-me-if-i-seem-excited/
Fecha: June 23, 2020 at 02:00AM

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