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Yvette in the Scillas

After giving up with Grace's crazy hair, I wanted to try some photos with Yvette. I'd brought her along as well thinking her blue gown would look beautiful in all the blue flowers. I was looking around for something interesting, and Mikey suggested by some 'trees', so I chose a spot with her back to the sun....
I was going to change my position and put my camera down. Mikey picked up my camera and took some closer up photos of her....
I love them, and was actually feeling a bit jealous that I hadn't taken them myself....
I tried a new position, and was caught setting up....
This time Yvette was facing into the sun, and I had to be careful to have her face either all in shade or all in sun - definitely not with branches shaded partly over her face.
Problem was, with her pale 'normal' resin, she just seemed so blown out in the sun....
Close-ups in the sun did nothing for her...
So, after picking her up out of the 'woods' I took a few more with her back to the sun....
Much better!

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/yvette-in-the-scillas
Fecha: April 30, 2020 at 10:14AM

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