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Trying Some Wigs

I decided to play around with some different wigs on Rosie.  I do like her as a blonde, but the Monique wigs are way too bouffant, especially with her fine features. They make her look like a 'Barbie'. So I thought just for fun to try on Lawrence's short wig, which was just lying in my workspace, and I thought it looked rather cute - like a modern business woman.....
I think the short style really suits her, but it's not the look I was going for.....
So I tried Baron's wig on her....
Interesting, but still not the look I was going for. Way too 'modern'.....
Then I tried Bianca's Ellowyne Rose wig on her....
I like this style best for what I had in mind for her, but not in brown.  I could order one in blonde, but I think it would be faster (and less expensive) to just make her a wig myself.  Sigh.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/trying-some-wigs
Fecha: November 28, 2019 at 12:59PM

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