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Say Hello To: Oriental Baby

I thought I would use the doll packing and unpacking process as an opportunity to showcase various dolls who haven’t appeared on the blog that much. It will make the packing up a bit more enjoyable for me and maybe we can revisit some of the dolls later when I have time to write more about them.

The last time that David and I visited South Australia together we visited the Gepps Cross Markets. This was a big market held on a Sunday morning where there were all kinds of second-hand goods on sale.

I am always on the lookout for dolls at such places and on this trip, I bought a couple of interesting ones. This baby, who has been living on the recently dismantled top shelf with my other costume dolls, was one of them. I thought that he looked old and I was happy to pay $10 for him.

Oriental doll

Baby’s outfit has been sewn onto him and I am reluctant to remove it to look for doll marks but here’s what I can tell you about him. His head and arms are hard material. Judging by the crazing on them I think he might be composition. His features are painted on. I’d be glad to hear any expert comments about him. His body and legs are cloth and he is very firmly stuffed. I don’t know what with, maybe kapok. It is not excelsior, he is not crunchy to squeeze; nor is it any modern polyester as these are softer. He feels so hard I wondered if he might have wooden dowels in his legs.

His features are painted on and he has a little top knot which looks like mohair. This may have been a bit longer but I can’t say for sure. When I got him he had a long blonde strand of hair attached to his headdress. I felt sure this was not original and probably from a Barbie so I removed it. I am also not certain if the outfit is original. It is still in pretty good condition, not at all faded.

I think he’s a nice little fellow with such a happy face I’d love to know more about him.

De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - https://dollsdollsdolls.net/2019/11/09/say-hello-to-oriental-baby/
Fecha: November 09, 2019 at 06:44AM

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