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Trick or Treat

Considering the terrible weather forecast this week, I really didn't feel like dressing all my dolls up and taking the same old photos as every other year - and in the rain - so decided to go the easy route, and let just my two newest girls go out, accompanied by Cinnamon and Tillie, along with some others who have never had the chance.

​ No sooner were they all ready for a group shot, but it started to rain...
I only managed a few quick shots before it started to rain too hard, and everyone had to rush back inside.  With the heavy rain and strong winds expected all day, it won't be the best Halloween ever.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/trick-or-treat2165283
Fecha: October 31, 2019 at 11:53AM

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