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Earlier this month someone wanted to know how one of my 'Outlander' inspired outfits would fit a Raccoon doll, and since Bianca has two outfits, and Monica was just standing around, I thought I'd try one on her to see.

The outfits were designed to fit my Bianca, who has the slim FID body, with medium bust, and has heel feet.  My Monica has the slim Raccoon body, with small bust, and has her heel feet inside flat boots. Raccoon ladies are a little shorter, and are slimmer than an Iplehouse Slim FID, but the outfit did fit - sort of. The waistbands on the petticoat and skirt were rather wide, and the bodice was a bit loose, so I pulled the lacing tighter, but not nearly as tight as her smaller torso wanted...
...but on the whole, quite passable......
....so, Monica can wear it, but it is a loose fit....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/comparing
Fecha: August 29, 2019 at 02:57PM

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