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I'm busy working on the travel clothes for Rex and Bianca, and have made Rex's shirt and cravat, as well as an apron for Bianca.  But they all looked too new. Definitely too 'new' for people out on an adventure in the wilderness. So I dirtied them up, lightly staining everything with diluted acrylic paint. Kind of the opposite of what people normally do - instead of washing to make everything clean (which I did to the fabrics before I started, to remove any stray chemicals, and make sure all the old clothes were actually clean) I'm making the clothes look dirty and 'lived in'. Now everything is hanging on the line to dry.  
By the way, I used cream coloured cotton fabrics for the shirt, cravat and fichu; and a heavier beige fabric for the apron, to give it a natural coloured, homespun look.  'Whites' were never as white in the old days as they are now. The chemically-bleached, super white fabrics available today, did not exist back then. Their 'white' is what we'd consider 'cream' today. Something to keep in mind when making period clothes.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/anti-laundry
Fecha: May 29, 2019 at 09:42AM

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