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Took a photo of the dolls standing in my work space today.  

​Rex is redressed after having a tiny white spot removed from his nose. David with his new wig, waiting for studio photos, and Ringo standing there because I was borrowing his wig. Paige's outfit needs studio photos, as does Phairby, so I can change her into her Fairy Godmother outfit.
But today I'm tackling Procrastination Project #2, another wooden train set for my grandson, for his upcoming birthday. (Procrastination Project #1 was David's wig. Number 3 is a new wig for Isis)
The problem is I can't see very well, and have shaky hands, so doing all those tiny details stresses me out. So I figured out another way. I photographed the sides of the wooden train cars and printed them out as big as possible on a sheet of paper. Then I cut them out, traced them onto bristolboard, and underpainted them in the blue and gray. Then I cut all the details out of coloured paper and cardstock, and glued them on. I can still cut and paste, especially in this bigger size.... 
Next step is to photograph all the big pieces, add any text, and shrink them down to the right size to fit the little wooden cars, and make a pdf to print out....then cut and glue them on, and finally a couple of coats of varnish, and they are done!!

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/standing-around
Fecha: April 10, 2019 at 12:10PM

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