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Another Photo Shoot

I changed Rex and Bianca this morning so they'd be wearing something different for the next photo session. I gave Bianca her original pink gown back, and put Owen's Musketeer outfit on Rex.  He's quite a bit taller than Owen, and the pants and sleeves are too short, but with tall boots, and wrist guards it doesn't matter. The only thing that doesn't work is the hat, since Owen has a much bigger head. But I'll bring it along, and someone can always hold it.

​I first posed them at home so I wouldn't have to think too hard out in the field.
The room turns into a total dump with all the things I had to get out....
Rex works really well on the horse. It's an our Generation Morgan Horse.
​Looking at them from another angle....
I'm hoping I'll be able to recreate this little scene....
Today we went down to the lake. It's considerably colder down there, so the scillas bloom at least a week later than they do on the townline, so that gives me extra time for more photos, especially when the weather isn't exactly cooperating.

We have to carry everything from the car, along the trail, over the bridge high over Petticoat Creek, and along the cliff tops into the Conservation area. There's a section at the edge of the woods there, where the scillas have naturalized, and bloom in a giant blue carpet every spring.

I chose a section under the sumacs, where there aren't too many dog-strangling vines. I brought along an old blanket to sit on, since it's been raining a lot lately, and the ground isn't dry.
Rex and Bianca pose in the flowers, and I take a LOT of photos. It's going to take me a while to process them all, but here's one....
....and another.....
After I'm done, Jan went into the flowers to retrieve the horse, and dolls....
So now I have my work cut out for me....processing more photos....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/another-photo-shoot
Fecha: April 30, 2019 at 04:11PM

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