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More Willie Outfits

I decided Willie needed something to better go with Phairby's more elegant costumes. Her little 'Yoda' style nature outfit is fine for running around in the woods, but I decided she needed something else for a little nicer casual wear. She's not exactly 'elegant', so I'm making her two different coloured outfits inspired by the kind of thing the Witch from Hansel and Gretel would wear. Something one would wear if they lived in a 'gingerbread' house....
The dresses will get lacing up the front, and lace around the neck, as well as a sewn-in underskirt.   I'm not sure yet what style of hat I'll make for each of them. I think it would be fun to make one like a witch's hat. Anyways, this time I'm being proactive, and making three of each right up front.

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/more-willie-outfits
Fecha: March 29, 2019 at 12:30PM

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