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Pondering His Role

Couldn't resist taking a photo of Rex today, as he was standing there waiting for his phantom costume.  I had to make him a new shirt since the one with his formal suit had the wrong shape collar, so he was wearing one of my JID plaid shirts, just for fit, to see where the pattern needed altering. I'd already slicked back his hair with a lot of hair gel (when he wasn't wearing it), and gave him the Phantom mask to hold....
After Christine's costume, this one is a HUGE challenge.  "But it looks so simple" you'd say. And you'd be right. That is exactly the problem!  Simple, tailored clothes are the absolute worst thing to make in small scale. And after the success with the Christine costume, everyone will expect the same level of perfection with the Phantom.

The biggest problem right now is the mask.  I made it months ago, and it seemed fine back then. I've shaved a lot off, and sanded it quite a bit too, but there's no getting around the fact that it's way too thick.  Sure, it looks greta in his hand, but not so much when e'swearing it.

So the plan is to go pick up my Lawrence, who has yet to get a new faceup, and then use him as a model to try make a thinner, better-fitting mask. I don't know exactly how yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. I don't exactly have much choice.  

But then, maybe Rex would rather play the role of Viscount Raoul de Chagne, and be the one who gets the girl in the end.....

De: Antique Lilac - Blog - http://www.antiquelilac.com/blog/pondering-his-role
Fecha: January 06, 2019 at 07:36PM

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