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Fashion Doll Friday: Mattel Ashley Olsen c2000-2005

Today’s Friday Girl is a visitor from the Op Shop. I’ll tell you her story in another post.
Ashley Olsen and her twin sister Mary-Kate played the character Michelle Tanner in the long running sit-com “Full House”. I remember seeing them as small children but lost track of them after that.
In 1999 Mattel released the first Olsen Twins dolls as a set. The first set had shorter hair. Subsequently they released several more editions to coincide with the release of the twins movies.The last ones were released in about 2005. I am not sure which one this Ashley is. There were also fashions and playsets and I do remember seeing the twins on sale when I first started to seriously collect dolls in the late nineties.

Ashley is wearing a hand knitted tube dress but would probably look good in Teen Skipper fashions too.



Filed under: Character and Celebrity Dolls, Fashion Doll Friday, Fashion Dolls Tagged: Ashley Olsen, celebrity dolls, Fashion Dolls, Mattel, Olsen Twins
De: Dolls, Dolls, Dolls - https://dollsdollsdolls.net/2017/09/22/fashion-doll-friday-mattel-ashley-olsen-c2000-2005/
Fecha: September 21, 2017 at 09:45PM

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